To become a sustainable company
In recent years, the corporate role as “a good corporate citizen” has become increasingly important. Advanet undertakes various activities to gain trust from a wide range of stakeholders as a member of Eurotech Group, which develops corporate activities domestically and internationally.
Needless to say, we practice environmental conservation measures based on the proper understanding of environmental protection. We also provide our customers with high-quality products to fulfill functions as a social stable device for tax payment and employment.
Also, Advanet employs and cultivates personnel with an abundance of individuality for our sustainable development and makes efforts to create a work environment that allows all employers to work in comfort. We actively promote hiring new graduates, experienced people, women, and people with disabilities. We also have introduced a continued employment system to utilize the experiences and skills of the elderly and also assist in self-motivated capacity development. Furthermore, we strive to improve working hours, better management, and improve various systems related to child care and family care so that all employees can maintain a healthy work-life balance.
We sincerely consider our responsibilities for the above-mentioned tasks as a corporate citizen and are intensely aware of the necessities to return our profit to society and its citizens.
Advanet continues to take on various activities to become “a sustainable company useful to society”.
This code of conduct applies to all employees of Advanet.
This code of conduct applies to all our employees, and conformance to Advanet policies, all laws and regulations, in-house rules, and contracts with customers is expected. Employees are also expected to act ethically, avoid risk by assuming risks associated with actions, and strive for improvement.
When a person discovers a violation of a law or regulation, violation of the company rules, including the code of conduct, facts concerning the above-mentioned violations, he or she should report the infraction to the concerned authority.
Reported matters shall be investigated to confirm the facts and solved by the best possible measures.
When a whistleblower reports a valid violation to the concerned authority without malicious intent, he or she shall not be fired or receive other forms of reprimand due to the whistleblowing.
Social responsibility is an integral part of the way we do business at Eurotech.
We pursue the objectives of growth, innovation and commercial results, while simultaneously balancing quality of life, working standards and human rights. This commitment is reflected in the principles, policies and management conduct adopted by our company, in order to promote creativity, innovation and fair business outcomes and hence to reinforce shareholders' trust in our company.
In addition to steadily reinforcing structural capital, Eurotech Group strives to support our employees and develop social relationships, considering this to be a fundamental investment to ensure the company's competitiveness, stability and longevity.